4. Disciplinary process
4.1. Any violations of the code of conduct, as stated in this document, is a cause for initiating necessary disciplinary action(s) The judicial system is subject to the authority of the Vice Chancellor of the University as he/she deems appropriate, except that the Disciplinary Committee shall have the authority to approve disciplinary warning as a sanction. The Disciplinary Committee shall consider the cases and make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for necessary sanction(s).
4.2. The following offences may warrant immediate expulsion of the student on the recommendation of the Chairperson without the need to call for a committee meeting:
4.2.1. Offence of following nature and category:
(i). Physical abuse (clause 3.2.1.i)
(ii). Sexual harassment/abuse (clause 3.2.1.ii)
(iii). Any conduct, expression or language or language considered improper in interacting with faculty members, university official staff (clause 3.2.4)
(iv). Arson (clause 3.2.5.i)
(v). Willful or malicious damage or destruction of property (clause 3.2.5.ii)
(vi). Forgery, alteration or misuse of University documents, records and Identification cards (clause 3.2.8.ii & iv)
(vii). Misappropriation or conversion of University funds, supplies, equipment labor, material, space or facilities (clause 3.2.9.i)
(viii). Possession, storing or transport of stolen University property (clause 3.2.9.ii.)
4.2.2. Repeat offence of the following nature and category:
(i). Adoption of unfair means/copying in the examination (clause 3.1.i.).
(ii). Plagiarism (clause 3.1.ii.).
(iii). Knowing willful falsification of educational data (clause 3.1.iv.).
(iv). Knowingly furnishing false information on academic matters (Clause 3.1.v).
4.2.3. A student who wishes to appeal must submit a written request for such appeal Within 5 days of notification of the sanction.
4.3. All other violation shall be the subject to hearing by the Disciplinary Committee. In case of a violation of the code, rules and regulations, the matter shall be reported to the Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee.
4.3.1. The committee shall inform the student about the charges against him/her in writing sufficiently in advance of the hearing to afford a reasonable opportunity to prepare a defense.
4.3.2. The hearing shall be conducted in a manner that is professional and just and shall not be restricted unduly by rules of procedure or evidence. Evidence not directly related to the matter at hand will not be considered. The focus of inquiry in the disciplinary proceeding will be the innocence or guilt of the person(s) accused of violating the Code of Conduct.
4.3.3. The hearing will be private unless the accused student requests that it should be Open to the members of the University community.
4.3.4. In the event that a student requests that the hearing be open, such request may be overruled by the Chairperson in agreement with the committee if an open hearing would have an adverse impact on any witness; would disclose personal, psychological or medical information of a sensitive nature; or would otherwise jeopardize the privacy or welfare of any witness or accused student.
4.3.5. On behalf of the University, the charges and evidences may be presented by the Chairperson or a person designated by the Chairperson.
4.3.6. The Chairperson and/or any other Member of the Committee shall have the right to question witness (es) that are admitted to the hearing. The testimony of unknown or unidentified witness (es) will not be admissible.
4.3.7. Imposition of sanction shall not be based solely upon the failure of the person charged to answer the charges. In the event of the failure or refusal of the accused person to appear at the hearing, the evidence in support of the charges shall be presented and considered.
4.3.8. A written report of the original hearing will be made consisting of the followings:
(i). Notice of charges and other documents.
(ii). A summary of the evidence presented.
(iii). All the findings and,
(iv). Sanction(s) recommended. The report constitutes the official record of the hearing.