Effect of motivational factors on employee engagement in the readymade garments industry in Bangladesh
Dalowar Hossan, Md. Raijul Islam, Zuraina Dato Mansor, Ayub Nabi Khan, Nor Siah Jaharuddin, Noor -E-Medina Suraiya Jesmin

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This study investigates the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors on employee engagement in the RMG industry in Bangladesh. Based on Herzberg Two Factor theory this study has followed quantitative approach to develop the hypotheses. The questionnaire has been adapted from the previous studies to conduct this study with five Likert measurement scales and self-administered questionnaire has been used to collect the data cross - sectionally from the total 387 respondents. The data have been analyzed by SPSS for respondents’ demographic profiles and smart PLS3 for testing the hypothesis. The findings reveal that extrinsic motivational factors have significant effect on employee engagement more than intrinsic motivational factors.

Effect of motivational factors on employee engagement in the readymade garments industry in Bangladesh