Understanding the Basic Dress Foundation of Pattern Making: A Complete Study of Darting and Fitting of the garment
Afroza Akter Rita
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Patternmaking, fit, and design are all assemble on the basis of foundation pattern. Drafting the basic dress serves as an inception to pattern making and it is a basic pattern that fits the body with sufficient ease for movement also in perfect balance, harmony and comfort. Dressmakers can only achieve good fit and professional gaze garments by being knowledgeable about the elements of pattern making that influence shape, silhouette and style of a garments.Darts are substantially used to shape fabric to fit the body curves by controlling fullness or excess fabric. Pattern making initiates with the basic pattern set or block or basic dress foundation and dart is the core component of making basic pattern. The study evaluated by understanding and describing all-inclusive about the form of dart, which is a constituent of basic dress foundation in pattern making, costume designing and fitting of the garments. Respectively, the purpose of this research was to amalgamate the entire knowledge of dart formation besides establish it as well as assess the knowledge of dressmakers' on the fitting of basic dress foundation including the application of darts in garment designing.